Tuesday, August 21, 2012

theorists and their popularity

Orville Dewey (1794-1882)
Unitarian minister, lecturer on "The Problem of Human Destiny"
"The mass of Mardians do not believe because they know, but because they know not. And they are as ready to receive one thing as another, if it comes from a canonical source…. I sometimes fancy, that our theorists divert themselves with the greediness of Mardians to believe.” (Mardi)

C.  "But even science is at fault—philosophy at a discount. The public mind is occupied with the theorism of demagogues and infidels, who, abandoning themselves to licentious speculations on human destiny, attract multitudes of fanatical followers, whose minds they bewilder, and whose morals they debase." (June 1852; and Scenes and Adventures in the Army)

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